The Sixth Oratory Festival Under the Solgan “Al-Aqsa is the Cause of Faith”


Under the patronage of the Dean of the Al-Imam Al-Adham University College, Asst. Prof. Dr. Salah Al-Din Al-Taha, the Department of Da’wah, Oratory, and Thought in Baghdad held the sixth oratory festival on 25th Monday, November, 2024. This event was held under the solgan: “Al-Aqsa is the Cause of Faith,” with distinguished participation from academic departments in Baghdad and several other provinces. This festival aims to support and encourage students to engage in oratory, while promoting moderate and balanced thought in religious discourse. The Dean emphasized the importance of preserving the oratory heritage during his speech at the festival, noting that the mission of Da’wah and intellectual thought is based on a moderate discourse that highlights the tolerance of Islam and its eternal humanitarian message. In a generous gesture, the Dean announced the offering of a pilgrimage trip to the Sacred House of Allah as a motivational gift for the top three winners, in recognition of their talents and to encourage them towards further creativity and excellence in oratory.

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