The college is holding the Eighteenth scientific conference under the title “The Prophetic Sunnah between the Controls of the Mujtahids and Contemporary Readings.”


Under the patronage of His Excellency the President of the Sunni Endowment , Prof. Dr. Mishan Muhyi Alwan Al-Khazraji, and under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Salah Al-Din Faleh Hassan Al-Taha, with the attendance of several esteemed general directors from the Sunni Endowment Diwan, the college organized today, Sunday, 29th December, 2024, the works of the eighteenth annual international scientific conference. This event featured a distinguished participation of university professors and researchers from both inside Iraq and abroad, with notable attendance and wide participation from researchers. Nineteen researchers from Iraqi universities and colleges presented their papers, alongside thirty researchers from universities and scientific institutions outside Iraq. The conference commenced with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by the national anthem, and the recitation of Surah Al-Fatiha. Afterward, the President of the Diwan delivered a speech on this occasion, expressing his gratitude and appreciation to those involved in this blessed work. He called for the preservation of Islamic identity through the organization of scientific seminars and conferences, emphasizing that we live in an era where belief in the unseen has weakened. He affirmed the importance of studying and analyzing the Prophetic Sunnah in light of contemporary challenges, praising the efforts of researchers in providing deep scientific insights that contribute to enriching Sharia studies. Subsequently, the dean delivered a speech welcoming the esteemed guests, extending his deep thanks and appreciation to the President of the Sunni Endowment for his continuous support of the scientific movement in the college. He stated “The year of achievements has not only been in terms of infrastructure and construction but also witnessed the graduation of a thousand memorizers of the Quran, a result of significant efforts led by the President of the Diwan.” The conference included several axes aimed at studying the Prophetic Sunnah through a rigorous scientific methodology, shedding light on the controls of ijtihad and studying contemporary readings of Sharia texts. The sessions featured a number of research papers that combined originality and contemporaneity, with researchers presenting innovative perspectives that align with the demands of the times while maintaining the methodological controls established by the mujtahids. At the conclusion of the sessions, gifts and certificates of participation were distributed to the researchers, who expressed their appreciation for the efforts made in organizing this significant scientific event. They affirmed the necessity of continuing such activities that contribute to building bridges of cooperation between researchers at both local and international levels.

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