A Symposium on Strategic Planning


Attended by the Dean, Asst. Prof. Dr. Salah Al-Din Al-Taha, and Prof. Dr. Ismail Khalil Al-Alwani, the Dean Assistant for Student Affairs. The Training and Development Hall at the Center for Continuing Education hosted the administrative symposium on strategic planning, which was presented by Dr. Surour Abdel Karim, the Head of the Planning section at the College. The Dean spoke about the importance of planning and its effective role in the success of the educational institution, saying: “Successful planning leads to the success of the entire educational process, for when the college has a planning process and a follow-up plan, the future will be bright, Allah willing”.
Afterwards, Dr. Surour presented a comprehensive explanation of how to prepare long-term plans, and some of the electronic programs used in administrative planning.

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